This is a Pirate Software Game Jam 15 submission.

Exit the Sun is a vertical/side scroller time/run-based game about a shadowling who escaped the grasps of evil mages and must escape the planet before either the planet consumes or sun burns it. The shadowling must stick to the shadows and use potions forgotten by the mages to help ensure escape off this dying planet.

Game Design Document can be found here:


Game Design Document


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(2 edits)

the animation was fluid for the player sprite, with the speed+double jump combo I had lots of fun flying around the stage at fast pace scanning my next move, good work!

(1 edit)

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for the feedback!

Got pretty far! I think the lava coming up is a little punishing. The double jump potions are king lol. Really good job! keep making games!

Thank you for checking out the game, for your kind words, and fair criticism! You're right, the lava can be quite punishing. Looking at ways to mitigate that while still feeling threatening. Thank you for your feedback!

After many, many attempts, my best time was 2:35 :)

That's great! Congratulations! Thanks for checking out the game.

completed in 2:28! this was a fun game

That's a great time! Thank you so much for checking it out!